Something To Talk About


We've all heard about those free communication weekends. My question is "Should you even waste your time?"

Maybe. If you're not especially busy, what could it hurt? You might even meet someone interesting.
So, you spend the weekend talking to someone new. What else were you planning? To clean out the shower stall or the garage? Yeah, I'd much rather be doing THAT!.
These weekends roll around every once in awhile and it's a chance to save a few bucks and see if anything worth while can come out of the services you hear about so often.
Have you noticed that the people in the dating commercials are starting to look more like the average person?.
Like I've said in other postings, I worked several years for one of the biggest online dating sites EVER - and I can tell you, that the people were NOT models (since they'd come to the office to sing our praises.)
I say, if it's free, give it a test run. It's not until you have to put the plastic down that the pressure is on to REALLY meet someone.
Chat it up and enjoy.


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