Calling All Married Men


Married men, cheaters, wanna-be-cheaters or whatever. Get your Tiger Woods on and do something daring. If the status quo is a bit boring there is always

Ashley Madison

We're all still interigued about the fascination of cheating. We'll conduct our on un-scentific investigation of the wandering romantics. We'll begin by checking out sites like Ashley Madison to see what all the hub bub is about. Feel a bit like flirting. Check it out for yourself and post a comment.

Would You Cheat On Elin?

Some guys complain when the wife has put on a few pounds after having the kids. They don't want to be as intimate anymore, they have other things to do - besides "you" that is.

I'm pondering a thought that is as old as time itself. "Can a man ever be happy with just one woman?". We can go as far back as the Bible. Abraham and his wife Sarah wanted a child so badly that before she had her own, she actually offered up her hand-maiden, only to become jealous of the women and child years later.

Was this Abrahams' fault - or was Sarah having difficulties dealing with sharing her husband? Over the centuries, Henry VIII and other monarchies have divorced or killed current wives just to get next to a newer and hotter babe.

This problem, if you want to call it that is as old as time. So I'll ask me question again.. "Can a man ever be happy with just "one" woman". Before you answer, let me add two additional ingredients - "Power and Wealth".

Henry VIII had it and so did most monarchs or royals vying for a better position. Dennis Kozlowski of Tyco infamy had a beautiful sexy second wife - who promptly dumped his ass as soon as he went to jail ... he took his elusive and now gone power with him..along with the wealth.

Do we even blame the man - for being only a man? I can almost understand why some Muslim countries make women cover themselves from head to toe. The temptations of the flesh are so strong and the spirit is really weak. I suppose. But does that really stop the mind from wondering what's under that "Burqa"?.